
Wednesday 26 February 2014


After such a heavy downpour of rain, I joined the photography club as they decided to head to waterfall gully in hopes of capturing the waterfalls. Before I left the house I had realised that I didn't charge my camera!!!!! - things like this always happens to me so I think I'm going to buy a spare battery so that it never happens again, and also ensure that I charge everything the night before. So all of these photos are taken with my trusty old Nikon d5000 with the !!flippy!! LCD screen.

When we arrived at waterfall gully, I attempted to take waterfall shots without a tripod and ended up with blurry shaky photos. We then decided to visit the other waterfalls and so we huffed and puffed our way up carrying all of our camera gear up to find the best location to shoot. Thank you to the lovely Beth Bernich for being such a great model!


  1. These are beautiful! The colors of the dress and the flower headband work so well together. I love how you have a photography club that goes on trips! The ones I've ever attempted to join at school are sadly not very active.

  2. Love your blog design! Such a beautiful blog and photos :)

  3. Beth is such an effortlessly beautiful model!

  4. beautiful photos!
    that's awesome your in a photography club
